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Warhammer 40k Necron, New Models and Original Models.
This page will now be dedicated to Necron, so sorry to all the Eldar fans. But a Eldar pic page will be put up soon.
Necron Lord
Necron Immortals
Necron Warriors
Necron Destroyers
Necron Scarabs
This is going to be called the Dominator, it is like the Eternal Dreadnought.
This is the Cataphract
Necron Ghost
Necron Guard
Necron Hunter
New Necron Lord and Immortals
Necron Seneschal
Necron Seneschal MK1
Necron Scorpion
Necron Shroud
These are some new Necron Models.
New Necron Lord.
Necron Immortal, The new version
Neopets is a cool site, click and sign up.
This is one of the new Necron models, a Eternal Dreadnought.
These are the plans of The New Necron Eternal Dreadnought.
These are the New Necron Scarabs.